The right to rebel
In the Philippines a constitutional right was used to implement nesessary radical reform and when Filipinos were tired of being pushed, they pushed back to topple a government that had gone beyond acceptable limits.
In February 1986, Philippine citizens took to the streets and exercized:
(embedded in their constitution)
The above declaration recognized that the people
as the ultimate judges of their destiny, can resort
to revolution as a matter of right. As has been
aptly said "of all the established forms of government,
democracy is the only one which recognized the
inherent right of the people to cast out their rulers,
change their policy or effect institutions by force
or general uprising when the legal and constitutional
methods of making such changes have proved
inedequate or so obstructed as to be unavailable,"
the right to rebel is an elemental human right just as the
right to repress rebellion as an elemental public right.
People power used to oust a regime
People power II ousted a corrupt president
The abuse of "People power" by Illegal immigrants in America
- Does a show of "people power" by illegal immigrants justify breaking the law? Don't they realiaze that even though all these law breakers agree in large numbers, it doesn't make things right?, or even legal as a matter of fact? A key US Senate panel endorsed a bill that would allow illegal workers to obtain visas, and sent the legislation to the full Senate for a likely heated debate. The hardline plans have sparked anger in the more than 32 million people of Hispanic origin living in the United States, who make up more than 12 percent of the population and wield growing political and economic clout.
People power
Are we willing to use "people power" against our government?
Our govenrnment needs to be purged. Elected officials no longer abide to the will of the majority of Americans who are angered by the tolerance given to those who broke our! law to enter Our! country to ruin what we gave Our! lives for. It's a shame that " money" is the only source of influence that makes our government move. The "Peso sayso", or "money talks", while illegal cheap labor awaits to rob us of our jobs and way of life. I will not allow myself, family and friends to be dumbed down to the level of a moron by a government wanting us to believe that "this is okay!" when, in fact it's not! Our country is still worth fighting for and the fight is right here at home! and must begin now because we are loosing it by just giving it away. We must be willing to undergo great sacrifice so that we can insure our country will remain strong and free without having extra burden caused by illegal immigrants bleeding the system when we don't have to sit back and watch it go to hell! We must not allow this to go on any longer and fight to do what it takes, by any means, including revolution, to insure that no one can steal what is legaly and rightfully ours from us no matter how well intentiond they think they are! There are many kinds of Americans out there. what kind are you?
A willing American........
- Fed up
- Howdy,
I'm fed up with illegal immigrant bastards entering our country who think they have the right to rob us of our jobs and to try to change our way of life by forcing us to adjust to thier standards and language. This crap that "they are willing to do jobs that some amdricans will not do is bullshit. It's just a sorry excuse to stay in this country for whatever. They flake off these jobs to climb up to the next rung in the ladder for either a better paying job, or one with better working conditions that eventually run in direct competion with ones that you and I need to have in order to survive, savy? Unfortunately, there some Americans who are not willing to do the work, or what it takes to survive and are being fed by you and I, the taxpayers, through government handouts or subsidies. It's no wonder they are not willing, they have a full stomach and are able to keep thier hands clean. Do I lack compassion? Not really, after spending 16 years in foreign countries watching dying people beg for food, unlike here with pot bellied, sometimes overweights, holding out signs looking for someone fool enough to keep them out of work by feeding them. The word compassion has lost true meaning in this country and most of what we have left is just "legislated compassion" the kind that comes out of your wallet and goes into the hands of "salaried individuals in charge to feed the rest of the world so they will stay friendly with us. The cost that it takes to maintain individuals who come to our land and get government assistance in the any way shape or form far outweighs whatever they put back into this country, most of it going back to Mexico, or elsewhere. So, I'm curious how you feel about this. Would like some imputs on this , 'cause I'm not going down without a that I feel still worth fighting for. We deserve the right to have uninteruppted access to what we worked hard for without giving it away just because they are many. Please see my Website update:
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Grandson,Jontel Baritua , appeared on the "Today Show " after he had mastered the game of "nine ball" in just one year after he picked up his first pool stick. At only nine years old, he is able to compete against adults having more experience, leaving them their with mouths agape after he pockets all the balls. His first appearance at the Regency Sands Hotel in Reno Nevada brought the audience to thier feet as he outplayed some of the big guys to score 33 out of 190. "He was able to play like a pro", according to a spectator, in addition to being a genuine sportsman even under extreme pressure. He is the second youngest in the leagues history. While at the Regency Sands, Tony Annigoni, managing partner of the United States Pool Players Association (USPPA), had taken Jontel under his wing and made sure that all expenses during his stay were all taken care of. Tonys' life as a pool hustler is depicted in the book "Off the Rail"